142 research outputs found

    A new classification technique based on hybrid fuzzy soft set theory and supervised fuzzy c-means

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    Recent advances in information technology have led to significant changes in today‟s world. The generating and collecting data have been increasing rapidly. Popular use of the World Wide Web (www) as a global information system led to a tremendous amount of information, and this can be in the form of text document. This explosive growth has generated an urgent need for new techniques and automated tools that can assist us in transforming the data into more useful information and knowledge. Data mining was born for these requirements. One of the essential processes contained in the data mining is classification, which can be used to classify such text documents and utilize it in many daily useful applications. There are many classification methods, such as Bayesian, K-Nearest Neighbor, Rocchio, SVM classifier, and Soft Set Theory used to classify text document. Although those methods are quite successful, but accuracy and efficiency are still outstanding for text classification problem. This study is to propose a new approach on classification problem based on hybrid fuzzy soft set theory and supervised fuzzy c-means. It is called Hybrid Fuzzy Classifier (HFC). The HFC used the fuzzy soft set as data representation and then using the supervised fuzzy c-mean as classifier. To evaluate the performance of HFC, two well-known datasets are used i.e., 20 Newsgroups and Reuters-21578, and compared it with the performance of classic fuzzy soft set classifiers and classic text classifiers. The results show that the HFC outperforms up to 50.42% better as compared to classic fuzzy soft set classifier and up to 0.50% better as compare classic text classifier

    Desain Dan Implementasi Jaringan Komputer di Kantor Kelurahan Mlale

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    Jaringan komputer secara umum mempunyai beberapa manfaat yang lebih dibandingkan dengan komputer yang berdiri sendiri dan dunia usahan maupun pemerintahan telah mengakui bahwa akses ke teknologi modern selalu memiliki keunggulan kompetitif dibandingkan pesaing yang terbatas dalam teknologi. Salah satu manfaat yang didapat dalam membangun jaringan komputer adalah integrasi data. Dimana pembangunan jaringan komputer dapat mencegah ketergantungan pada komputer pusat. Setiap proses data tidak harus dilakukan pada satu komputer saja, melainkan dapat didistribusikan ke tempat lainnya. Router adalah peralatan jaringan yang dapat menghubungkan satu jaringan dengan jaringan yang lain. Router bekerja dengan menggunakan routing table yang disimpan di memorinya untuk membuat keputusan tentang ke mana dan bagaimana paket dikirimkan. Router dapat memutuskan rute terbaik yang akan ditempuh oleh paket data. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan akan kebutuhan jaringan internet di kantor kelurahan Mlale. Untuk merancang sebuah jaringan komputer perlu dilakukan analisa masalah dan seberapa penting jaringan komputer yang dibutuhkan, karena membangun sebuah jaringan komputer juga memerlukan biaya yang besar. Jadi biaya sangat penting untuk dipertimbangkan agar tidak terjadi pemborosan nantinya

    Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis pada Pemantauan Status Gizi Balita di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    The research was conducted to develop the information system model on nutrition status of child monitoring based on geographical information system (GIS) to support the plan of increasing the nutrition improvement at the District Health Office, Sukoharjo Regency. This descriptive research was carried out by implementing interview to subjects who were involved in the activity of the monitoring. Observation was also performed to two objects, namely the structure and the procedure of information. The collected data were analyzed descriptively by applying result of structure and the procedure analysis. The system development was designed by using the approach of FAST (Framework for the Application of System Techniques). The observation to the problem, scope, and property had been conducted by the interview with the subjects indicate that the research subjects at all levels from top managers to persons in the transactional level as well as those who are at cross section department support the development of monitoring system to the improvement of nutrition status program, and this system is reliable to mapping perform of nutrition status of child based on the category as severe malnutrition, under nutrition, normal and overweight. In the future nutrition information based on GIS have the benefits of the new system in supporting the monitoring activity toward the nutrition improvement program and it also supports the plan. Suggestions from this research might go to the government health institution to develop spatial or terrestrial data on the health programs have to be designed GIS for the each other program. Moreover, the other model should be developed GIS in the other spatial data and information can be accessed by informative map

    Effectivity of Child Nutritional Status Monitoring Based on Information Technology at District Health Office, Sukoharjo Regency

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    The research was conducted to develop the information system model on nutritional status of child monitoring based on information technology support the plan of increasing the nutrition improvement at the District Health Office, Sukoharjo Regency. This descriptive research was carried out by implementing interview to subjects who were involved in the activity of the monitoring. Observation was also performed to two objects, namely the structure and the procedure of information. The collected data were analyzed descriptively by applying result of structure and the procedure analysis. The system development was designed by using the approach of FAST (Framework for the Application of System Techniques) and by using the tools of Data Flow Diagram and Entity Relationship Diagram. The observation to the problem, its scope and property as well as the interview with the subjects indicate that the research subjects at all levels from top managers to persons in the transactional level as well as those who are at cross section department support the development of monitoring system to the improvement of nutrition status program, and this system is reliable to mapping perform of nutrition status of child based on the category as severe malnutrition, under nutrition, normal and overweight. In the future nutrition information based on information technology has the benefits of the new system in supporting the monitoring activity toward the nutrition improvement program and it is also supports the plan.

    On-chip debugging for microprocessor design

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    This article proposes a closer-to-metal approach of RTL inspection in microprocessor design for use in education, engineering, and research. Signals of interest are tapped throughout the microprocessor hierarchical design and are then output to the top-level entity and finally displayed to a VGA monitor. Input clock signal can be fed as slow as one wish to trace or debug the microprocessor being designed. An FPGA development board, along with its accompanying software package, is used as the design and test platform. The use of VHDL commands ’type’ and ’record’ in the hierarchy provides key ingredients in the overall design, since this allows simple, clean, and tractable code. The method is tested on MIPS single-cycle microprocessor blueprint. The result shows that the technique produces more consistent display of the true contents of registers, ALU input/output signals, and other wires – compared to the standard, widely-used simulation method. This approach is expected to increase confidence in students and designers since the reported signals’ values are the true values. Its use is not limited to the development of microprocessors; every FPGAbased digital design can benefit from it

    Sistem Informasi Penjualan Di Toko Sarana Pertanian Citra Lawu

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    Inside the agriculture tools shop many of transaction data, goods stock, and other things that cannot be memorized. Even if this matter can be, impede the process of order stuff, if the stock being diminishes. On that score, the system is needed that can encode that data list with fixing in a data managing system. The fixes that will be doing are making with use registry system, which computerized, both in registry aspect and supply goods, the transaction registry and the other process that, connected dealt only with shop activity. This research made with the purposes to deliver the computerized basis system, and facilitate the employees in transaction recording. In this research is made application for a store selling agriculture using the programming language Java with NetBeans IDE and MySQL. Thesis research in order to place this in Citra Lawu agriculture tools shop that places in Mener orchard, Segorogunung village, Ngargoyoso sub district, Karanganyar regency. The development method that used in this research is SDLC system (System Development Life Cycle). Data required in the manufacture sales information system, which includes the type of goods, quantity of goods, prices of goods and other data you need. In experiments it was concluded the following applications: 1) Success to make the sales system application on java desktop basis. 2) This sales system application helps on sales transaction record in Citra Lawu Agriculture Tools Shop. 3) This system also equipped with login, and every user has an access right which, different as the position they’re have. 4) As follow the questioner data result that it got the screen design good enough, easy to use, the features is completely enough, the users quietly satisfied on operation it, and with the scoring all of this application is quiet ones

    Android Application to Help Reading English Words Using Mobile Vision and Text to Speech Facility at SD N Gayam 01 Sukoharjo

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    Abstract Reading is an activity carried out by humans to obtain information or pleasure especially for elementary students, reading is a very important activity to gain knowledge and build their life skill for their future especially at English communication. SDN Gayam 01 Sukoharjo is an elementary school located in Sukoharjo regency with the number of students reaching 450 people, in everyday learning some of the students still find it difficult to take part in learning such as reading English. This study aims to create an Android application to help SDN Gayam 01 Sukoharjo’s students and teachers who have difficulty reading English letters, using the mobile vision from Google Mobile and TextToSpeech facility to hear the pronunciation directly from American. The student and teacher expected to read English letter correctly, programming language-using Java. This application has passed black box testing and user acceptance test with satisfying test. Keywords: Android, Mobile Vision, TextToSpeech Abstrak Membaca merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh manusia untuk mendapat pengetahuan atau kepuasan tersendiri. Untuk murid Sekolah Dasar, membaca adalah kegiatan yang sangat penting untuk mendapat pengetahuan dan membangun keterampilan berkehidupan di masa yang akan datang khususnya dalam berkomunikasi bahasa inggris. SDN Gayam 01 Sukoharjo merupakan sekolah dasar yang berada di kabupaten Sukoharjo dengan jumlah murid mencapai 450 orang, Dalam pembelajara sehari – hari beberapa murid masih merasa kesulitan dalam mengikuti pembelajaran seperti membaca kata atau kalimat berbahasa inggris. Berdasarkan masalah diatas, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat aplikasi Android untuk membantu murid dan guru SDN Gayam 01 Sukoharjo yang kesulitan dalam membaca kata bahasa inggris, menggunakan mobile vision dari Google Mobile dan fasilitas TextToSpeech untuk mendengar pengucapan lansung dari warga Amerika. Diharapkan guru dan murid dapat membaca dengan benar, bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan yaitu Java. Aplikasi ini telah melalui blackbox testing dan tes penerimaan pengguna dengan menghasilkan nilai yang memuaskan Kata Kunci: Android, Mobile Vision, TextToSpeec

    Web Based Student Data Management System At SMA Negeri 1 Purwareja Klampok

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    Curriculum for senior high school in this time being a problem in SMA Negeri 1 Purwareja Klampok, this is caused the new curriculum system similar to the college system, thus to manage the student data and to set the teaching to be difficult, moreover without information system this spend more time and being complex to manage and set it. Development technology always develop quickly, in the present era technology have been applied almost in every sector one of some sector is in education sector, using technology management student’s data can be easier, this problem can be reduce or overcome by applying web based information system SMA Negeri 1 Purwareja Klampok. To create information system to manage student’s data firstly doing analyze the problem, after that design the application, and then doing the application, test and apply its application. In design step of creating application use Dia to create diagram, and then in doing the application use PHP as server programming language which collaborated with Codeigniter 3 as framework of PHP, MySQLi as database to store data, HTML to display the data. Result of the application give two level of users, firstly is administrator which has authority input teacher’s data, student’s data, create teaching, and secondly is teacher which is has authority to create basic competence and input score for student. With this application management data at SMA Negeri 1 Purwareja Klampok can be better and faster

    Analisis Keamanan Atas Serangan Heartbleed pada Android yang Digunakan untuk Akses Lokal

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    There are kinds of vulnerabities in OpenSSL extentions, one of them is heartbleed. Heartbleed exploit security system by encrypt inputed text such as username and password. Input text attacked by heartbleed script which runing with command prompt or terminal in operating system. Therefore, hackers or attackers can record and exploit the informations. This Research did by 3 steps, first step by setup and configuration server sysem and client system. Second step by tested heartbleed vulnerability and third step by tested heartbleed using Heartbleed Detector and Heartbleed Scanner.The result said that problems not come from operating system but come from OpenSSL vulnerabilitiess.The problems from system could be overcame by upgrade to the last version OpenSSL 1.0.1

    Sistem Pembuka Pintu Berbasis Computer Vision dengan Arduino sebagai Penggerak Actuator

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    Saat ini terdapat dua cara yang digunakan untuk membuka pintu, yaitu cara manual dan cara auto. Cara manual yaitu cara yang biasa kita gunakan untuk membuka dengan menyentuh pintu secara langsung, sedangkan cara auto adalah dengan menggunakan computer vision maupun penggunaan sensor lain. Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan dalam computer vision adalah pengenalan wajah. Sudah banyak metode yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan proses tersebut diantaranya adalah Eigenface dan Fisherface. Pada penelitian ini, akan dibandingkan performa antara kedua metode tersebut untuk diterapkan pada sistem pembuka pintu otomatis. Penelitian ini menggunakan Python sebagai bahasa pemrograman dan Arduino sebagai microcontroller untuk mengendalikan komponen hardware. Database yang digunakan terdiri atas 10 foto wajah, masing-masing diambil dari 10 posisi wajah terhadap kamera. Pengujian dilakukan pada ruangan dengan dua kondisi cahaya yang berbeda yaitu dengan dua lampu dan satu lampu. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa metode Fisherface memiliki performa yang lebih baik dengan tingkat keakuratan 74% pada ruangan dengan kondisi dua lampu
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